WE shall now proceed to a description of the insects, a subject replete with endless difficulties;[1] for, in fact, there are some authors who have maintained that they do not respire, and that they are destitute of blood. The insects are numerous, and form many species, and their mode of life is like that of the terrestrial animals and the birds. Some of them are furnished with wings, bees for instance; others are divided into those kinds which have wings, and those which are without them, such as ants; while others, again, are destitute of both wings and feet. All these animals have been very properly called "insects,"[2] from the incisures or divisions which separate the body, sometimes at the neck, and sometimes at the corselet, and so divide it into members or segments, only united to each other by a slender tube. In some insects, however, this division is not complete, as it is surrounded by wrinkled folds; and thus the flexible vertebræ of the creature, whether situate at the abdomen, or whether only at the upper part of the body, are protected by layers, overlapping each other; indeed, in no one of her works has Nature more fully displayed her exhaustless ingenuity.
(2.) In large animals, on the other hand, or, at all events,
What teeth, too, has she inserted in the teredo,[4] to adapt it
for piercing oak even with a sound which fully attests their
destructive power! while at the same time she has made wood
its principal nutriment. We give all our admiration to the
shoulders of the elephant as it supports the turret, to the
stalwart neck of the bull, and the might with which it hurls
aloft whatever comes in its way, to the onslaught of the tiger,
or to the mane of the lion; while, at the same time, Nature is
nowhere to be seen to greater perfection than in the very
smallest of her works. For this reason then, I must beg of
my readers, notwithstanding the contempt they feel for many
of these objects, not to feel a similar disdain for the information I am about to give relative thereto, seeing that, in the